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  • Other Efforts

Other Efforts

A system of in-house training

We see skills development for employees as a way to improve the skill level of employees. We also see it as a way of increasing a company's competitiveness and as a source of lasting growth.
We regularly and continuously provide off-the-job training such as training for new employees, level-specific training, harassment training, and mental health training to develop the skills of our employees.
We also invite outside lecturers to conduct training depending on the material being taught.

Recreational activities and club activities

We have a wide range of employees from their teens to their 60s, and we believe that communication is vital to helping work go smoothly.
Through regular club activities and voluntary recreational activities such as softball games, bowling tournaments, barbecues, and day trips, we seek to encourage communication by having employees discover unexpected aspects of one another in a different setting than the workplace and by sharing the joy of the occasion.